One of the irritating things of summer is the fact that if you aren't blessed with a natural beach bod you must work out...orrr wear t-shirts all summer LOL
. One of the common summer no-no's are Muffin Tops!! Don't know what that is?? Lemme get you a picture!
Soo there you go that's what it looks like. Now it may seem that some people must think that muffin tops are in style but I feel as though the masses does not want to see nor have one. So some fitness techniques or even quick fixes to help out are as follows:
- Quick Fix
- Avoid low-rise jeans. By doing so the jeans will go over your hips thus removing the muffin top effect.
- Cliche but eat healthier
- Try not to eat pasta and white bread. If you do eat whole-grain
- Drink plenty of water
- Work Out
- Do at least 40 minutes of cardio
- weight train: weights around 8-10 lbs
Here are some workout pics to help you out as well:
Check it out and find yourself on the way to a healthier sexy you!!!
Thats all for now guys