Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Be Up in the Gym Working on my Fitness...

Sooo Ladies maybe some gents!

One of the irritating things of summer is the fact that if you aren't blessed with a natural beach bod you must work out...orrr wear t-shirts all summer LOL
. One of the common summer no-no's are Muffin Tops!! Don't know what that is?? Lemme get you a picture!

Soo there you go that's what it looks like. Now it may seem that some people must think that muffin tops are in style but I feel as though the masses does not want to see nor have one. So some fitness techniques or even quick fixes to help out are as follows:
  • Quick Fix
  • Avoid low-rise jeans. By doing so the jeans will go over your hips thus removing the muffin top effect.
  • Cliche but eat healthier
  • Try not to eat pasta and white bread. If you do eat whole-grain
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Work Out
  • Do at least 40 minutes of cardio
  • weight train: weights around 8-10 lbs
Here are some workout pics to help you out as well:

Check it out and find yourself on the way to a healthier sexy you!!!

Thats all for now guys


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Shadow Look

Hey guys i've been gone for a minutee....but i'm about to get back on it =)

Soooo I have a summer eye gloss look for you excited =)

This look is perfect for summer because it gives your face and eyes a glow. Its also perfect cuz in the summer noones really wants to do makeup. It is sooo quick and error proof.

What you need:
  • Light/Silver looking eyeshawdow like MAC Arena
  • Puffy eyeshadow brush
  • Vaseline/Clear Lipgloss
  • Eye Liner

Ok! So I was thinking about doing a video tutorial and maybe i shall but I am camera shy lol. But yeah what you do is do your normal face routine (washing, moisturizing, putting foundation if you wear it). 

  1. Apply shadow lightly. it doesn't have to be dark or perfect
  2. Apply your eyeliner (preferably waterproof). Don't use charcoal or the regular black eyeliner cuz it could smudge especially in the heat
  3. Mascara is up =)
  4. Ok put a tad bit of vaseline or clear lip gloss on your finger tip and softly pat it on from side to side.
  5. It will give you a nice glossy, summery look.
(sorry for quality its my MAC not camera)
Try it out and let me know how it comes out..i'll post pics of mine